With over 18 years of experience in the industry, we know a thing or two about this process. Your project will be handled with professional and friendly service and printed to perfection with the highest attention to detail you can imagine!
Already know how to screen print and just need a screen? We are happy to provide this service! We came from humble backgrounds and know what it’s like to possess the skills but not the equipment that you need. A good print starts with a good screen. Ask us about our screen burning services!
Get your logo embroidered onto some nice polos or hats to give you a little extra pop of professionalism. We can even take it a step farther and manufacture various types of patches that can be attached to just about any item!
Yes, this is pretty self explanatory, but it’s an essential for every business. Standard business are great and all, but what about some suede coated cards, or extra thick stock? Maybe something that’s eco friendly, or shiny. Ask how we can help elevate your brand with business cards.
Everybody loves a good sticker! Want gloss, matte, die cut, holographic, we got it! Plus, it’s a fun and affordable way to market your business. Don’t have a business? Make stickers of your dog or cat! Expect nothing but the highest quality printing standards here.
Brochures are a great way to provide potential customers with the most important things they should know about your organization. Maybe you sell baked goods, coffee, or beer, and want to attract tourists traveling to the area. Leave some brochures around town and then watch them show up!
Our design services are top notch and span a wide variety of styles. We can help you design a logo from scratch, update an existing one, or create a t- shirt design for your existing brand. Want it all? We’ll create a custom branding package!
Do people even use postcards anymore? YES! Postcards are still very popular. If you happen to be an artist or photographer for example, it’s a fun way to display your art on a small/affordable scale. Not everyone can afford or find space for a full sized print but a postcard is a no brainer!
& So much more!

Get Started!
Please fill out our new customer contact form so we can get an idea of your project. Be as detailed as you can so we can better assist you. If you aren’t really sure where to start, no worries! We’re happy to help guide you through the process.
Everybody loves a good sticker! Want gloss, matte, die cut, holographic, we got it! Plus, it’s a fun and affordable way to market your business. Don’t have a business? Make stickers of your dog or cat! Expect nothing but the highest quality printing standards here.
Brochures are a great way to provide potential customers with the most important things they should know about your organization. Maybe you sell baked goods, coffee, or beer, and want to attract tourists traveling to the area. Leave some brochures around town and then watch them show up!
Vinyl Banners
Go big! Vinyl banners are perfect for events, showcasing sponsor logos or large scale advertising for your own business. With a variety of different styles of vinyl or fabric banners and a huge print area, the possibilities are vast. We can produce banners at the highest quality standards in the industry!
Popular Products and Services
Rack Cards
Rack cards are a great item for showcasing the most important aspects of your brand or business including your contact info or location. Leave some of these at the nearby hotels and visitor centers and watch the customers come to you!
Art Prints
Every artist should have some prints of their work. It’s a great way to archive your work and also offers a lower cost item you can sell to your customers. We can print on a variety of different paper types and a wide range of sizes. let us know how we can help!
Table Cloths
Table cloths are a great way to showcase your brand and elevate your booth appearance at trade shows or events. Fitted table cloths are great for outdoor events since the wind is no match for them! All sides are customizable so this is a great opportunity to catch some eyeballs with a large scale print!
Do people even use postcards anymore? YES! Postcards are still very popular. If you happen to be an artist or photographer for example, it’s a fun way to display your art on a small/affordable scale. Not everyone can afford or find space for a full sized print but a postcard is a no brainer!
Get your logo embroidered onto some nice polos or hats to give you a little extra pop of professionalism. We can even take it a step farther and manufacture various types of patches that can be attached to just about any item!
Event Tents
Stand out from the pack with a fully customizable pop up tent! These aren’t your average backyard picnic tents, these are the highest quality commercial grade tents. Designed to withstand wind and the elements, and most importantly protect your valuable merchandise inside. Walls and half walls are optional upgrades.
Business Cards
Yes, this is pretty self explanatory, but it’s an essential for every business. Standard business are great and all, but what about some suede coated cards, or extra thick stock? Maybe something that’s eco friendly, or shiny. Ask how we can help elevate your brand with business cards.
Patches are a versatile and fun product to offer. We can make a variety of different style patches and then we can stitch them onto hats, jackets, flannels, backpacks, and beyond! They can also be sold individually and your customers can iron them onto their own items themselves. They can also be a great option if your logo has lots of detail and cannot be embroidered easily.
Banners Stands
Retractable banners are a great addition to your trade show or event set up! Extremely portable, yet large and bold when being display. These are a must have for any trade show booth.

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The way we conduct business reflects the values that we truly believe in. We are making conscious efforts to support other brands in the garment industry who share the same values as us. That means using ethically sourced fabrics and garments, inks that contain less harmful ingredients, and being transparent with all of our initiatives. The fashion industry is the second most polluter of the environment right after coal. We should all be very alarmed by that. We’re doing our part to try and effect positive change!
Industry Standards VS. Our Standards
The screen printing industry has gone largely unchanged for a thousand years. In fact, it was invented over 2,000 years ago. The mid 20th century brought about the most prevalent changes the industry has ever seen with the invention of plastisol (pvc based) inks. Most shops are still operating with these inks and other harmful chemicals but we know there are better options that lessen the impact on the environment. Why is our shop different than most?
How and Why We Care and What Steps We’re Taking
Besides the obvious reasons that most people are already aware of, we’ll show you the data and unfortunate facts about the fashion industry that will make you re-think the way you buy clothes. Todays culture of fast fashion and competition to offer the cheapest pricing has caused some pretty terrible ripple effects all throughout the supply chain in the garment industry. Our initiative will help to change our way of thinking about how we buy and use our clothing.